Monday, June 17, 2019

Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) is defined as the process by which women gain the ability to make decisions not just for themselves, but also for others around them. We strongly believe that the end result of any WEE should be the financial independence of every woman.  Any WEE program that does not lead to a woman’s financial independence does not cut it for us.
With the foregoing in mind, last week Unskilled to Skilled (U2S) model for economic empowerment was utilized by two Non-Governmental Organizations based here in Nigeria and they include: the Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) and Growing the Girl Child Initiative (GTGCI). U2S is a Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) which caters for every unskilled and unemployed youth (ages 18-30) here in Nigeria.
U2S exists to reduce the rate of youth unemployment here in Nigeria, which currently stands at 23.1% and this according to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistic (NBS) translates to 16 million youth here in Nigeria. U2S doesn’t just seek to train various youth on various vocational skills, but also to pair them up with already established businesses here in Nigeria at the end of their training. This indeed marks a clear departure from other economic empowerment programs and models here in Nigeria. This is because U2S leads to every youth financial independence.
From the foregoing therefore, we were highly excited and elated when last week we in collaboration with SIRP and GTGCI organized various skill acquisition programs for various young women at Akwuke community of Enugu State, Nigeria. We trained them on how to make liquid soap, insecticides, buns, cakes, peanuts and puff-puff. The trained participants are already being paired up at the moment with various businesses here in Enugu State. This pairing will help them in growing both in skill and also in their earning power. Indeed this program was a huge success.
Our gratitude goes to SIRP and GTGCI who believed in us. Together we will definitely achieve WEE here in Nigeria.